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Individuality 1 in Yonkers NY
Transience 1 multimedia installation
“Olive,” in Transience series
Curiosity, RE/Mixed Festival
Curiosity, Dawn of Summer festival
Participation in Curiosity
Temperament of Space at SXSW
Challenge video installation
Challenge video up-close
Challenge 2, Revisiting Arcadia

Our project loves to travel! The Temperament of Space has been everywhere from its birthplace at The New School to the SXSW Festival in Texas. Want to visit and know where it’s going next? Sign up for our email list.


In Curiosity, encounter a close-up view of the water’s edge as you take in video projections, sound objects, pigment prints and ambient sound. Become part of the experience as your presence generates a live video mix and your movement activates the soundscape.


Individuality transforms public settings with into spaces for spontaneous media interaction. Watch tranquil videos of islands floating and bobbing in flowing blue water as you mix and modulate a soundtrack by interacting with sensors and controls. You might be surprised or delighted by a visual response with humorous quirks.


Immerse yourself in Transience, a multimedia environment made up of video walls, photo-based art, lighting and sound. Find peace and relaxation as you hear harmonious ambient sound and gaze at projections of a calmly flowing river.


Experience Challenge as both a distant spectator and a fully involved participant. As you step inside the projection mapping space, you will see yourself reflected on screen amid falling and shattering rocks, while experiencing the sound of walking in this landscape.

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